2017 3D Animation


3D Animation

教师: Mahadevan

English Listening 英语听力


English Listening Class Introduction and Rules

 The purpose of this course is to improve your speaking and listening abilities. We will do this using the materials in your 新大學英語,視聽説教程1 textbooks. Expect to have many discussions in English. Your English WILL NOT IMPROVE if you SPEAK CHINESE, SO DON’T. Be active! If you’re not sure about anything, ASK. I’m here to help you learn. Its far better to ask than to sit there not knowing what to do.

My email: matthewloffman@outlook.com. You can also contact me via WeChat.



10% - Participation

10% - Attendance (arrive on time!)

10% - Homework

40% - Quizzes (There will be 6 in-class quizzes throughout the semester, typically every other week).

30% - Final exam


In Class

Please come to class with the right materials:

·       Paper, Pen/pencil

·       Workbook

·       Notebook (Recommended for note taking, and other tasks there isn’t room for in the workbook)

·       Good attitude!

Please only use your phone for a dictionary

You are here to learn, not to play. That’s what the weekend is for!



Always due in one week after it’s given. Listen to at least 30 minutes of English outside of class each week. Submit a BRIEF WRITTEN SUMMARY of what you listened to EVERY OTHER CLASS, with the original title, WITHOUT COPYING WHAT IS ON THE WEBSITE OR APP YOU GOT IT FROM, to your class monitor. I will check you haven’t just copied text from the internet. Summarising is a very important skill you should practice. You may also share a link in the WeChat group for others to listen to the podcasts you find.

Always write: English & Chinese Names, Short class number, Student number


Sources for listening materials:

·       BBC 6 Minute English http://bbc.iyuba.com/BBCList_1.html

·       TED talks https://www.ted.com/

·       VOA http://www.51voa.com/VOA_Standard_English/



If you will miss class, you must email me before class begins (Not WeChat)

You are responsible to make up whatever you’ve missed & to hand in your homework on time. Take ownership of your own learning, you are an adult now. Repeated absences or tardiness will be reported to the university and could result in disciplinary action.


Choosing a Name in English

Be professional: don’t use food, cartoon character, animal, or weather-based names; or surnames (eg Smith) etc

Common names are best, people know them, can spell and pronounce them! Choose a name you can pronounce!



·       You can only improve your English if you actually USE it. Please refrain from speaking any Chinese in class!

·       Be willing to laugh at yourself (don’t worry about face). Everyone makes mistakes, it’s normal!

·       Show mutual respect to one another. The more you participate, the better you’ll learn English.

·       I am always happy to help you, please ask questions whenever you’re not sure about something. You probably won’t be the only one who doesn’t know, just many people daren’t ask! Be brave and you’ll reap rewards.

教师: Matthew


该课程针对已达到大学英语基础阶段教学要求的学生而设计,以学术内容为基础,以阅读技巧培养为主线,重点发展学生阅读学术文章(文献)的能力,使其学会主动和灵活得运用各种阅读策略。课程阅读内容选材广泛,涉及理科、工科和商科。  课程内容该课程由九个单元构成,每个单元由若干微视频和配套练习组成,集中学习和训练一项学术英语阅读核心阅读技能,它们分别是: 理解学术概述理解学术定义利用语境线索推断词义;区分学术文本中的中心思想与细节;区分事实与观点读懂学术文本中的图表掌握阅读修正策略理解学术篇章的文本结构;理解学术篇章中各部分意思的衔接教学对象本科生  教学模式与方法线上微课自主学习和教师主导、学生为中心的线下教学活动相结合。以慕课资源作为教学内容,以新云课堂平台作为教学环境,以翻转课堂和PBL作为教学方法。 教学步骤微课导入新的学习任务,呈现新的知识点:学生课前学习微视频,并完成相应的阅读训练任务;课堂讨论会和拓展训练以巩固新知识:课堂讨论和反馈以确保学生掌握新知识、新技能,并通过拓展训练查漏补缺和巩固知识; 课后线上测试以检查学习任务完成情况:学生线上完成配套的阅读技能训练,教师把握学生测试情况,督促学生学习进度。 课程特色学术性强、实用性高。密切结合学术语境,帮助学生熟悉学术篇章的文体特色,并针对这些篇章特色来讲解和训练学生读懂学术文章所需要的技巧与策略。课程重学术能力的培养,有别于凭空讲解阅读技巧,“为技巧而技巧”或“为答案而技巧”的纯功利性技巧学习。 教学模式灵活、高效。线上学习和线下教学相结合,学生自主学习和教师主讲相结合,借助微课,以SPOC线上线下混合的方式实现全部或部分翻转课堂。 选材凸显理工科特色。供阅读训练的学术文章集中来自理科、工科和商科。