git clone <作业页面自动生成的> .git
cd hw01_image_formation/code/
Create a new environment named lecturecv and install required packages (numpy, etc.) via running:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Note: A typical source of error is to use an old version of conda itself. You can update it via:
conda update -n base conda -c anaconda
Before launching your notebook you need to activate the environment:
conda activate lecturecv
Depending on your configuration, you might instead need to run:
source activate lecturecv
You can now start jupyter notebook from the directory:
A browser window should be opened in which you can open the notebook of the first exercise called image_formation.ipynb
也可以上传到google drive再用colab打开,此时需要加载drive文件夹
from google.colab import drive