视频作业2 演讲

已开启: 2023年07月9日 星期日 00:00
截至: 2023年07月12日 星期三 00:00


a) P4 HIGH- AND LOW-STRESS JOBS: Talk the most stressful and lest stressful jobs in the infographics. And what do you think are good ways of dealing with stress (see P5 “Speaking Ways to relax” and make use of the TED Talk video of Unit 1)?  Make use of the extra reading (extra reading即课上补充那篇阅读;下同) material “The stressed-out generation”. 

b) P14 MEDIA AND THE MIND: In what ways do you think movies and TV shows can affect people mind? Make use of the listening materials from P14-15 and the TED Talk video of Unit 2. Also make use of what you have learnt from the extra reading “Are superheroes good role models” .

c) P22-23 VOLUNTEER WORK: Talk about the ypres of volunteer work you’ve done or would like to do. Use expressions from “Listening: International development” and “Speaking: Talking about volunteer work” (23). 

d) P56 WHAT AUSTRALIANS SAVE MONEY FOR: Talk about Chinese people’s saving habits, by comparing them to those of Australians in the infographics (56). 

e) P80 ASPIRATIONS OF COLLEGE STUDENT: Talk about aspirations of young adults after they finish college. Do any of the aspirations in the infographics (P80) match your own? Do Exercises C on P80, and use these expressions (将来完成时和将来完成进行时)to talk about your plans and aspirations in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years or 20 years. (for example, “When I turn 30s, I’ll have done sth or I’ll have been doing sth”, or “By my 25th birthday, I’ll have done sth or have been doing sth”)  (U8上次只有两位同学来上课,我们也只上了一小部分,但这个单元的TED Talk 讲座和其他音频 都挺有意思,讲的就是一位社会心理学家对20出头的你们的一些建议,所以我把视频也发给大家,建议大家看看,哪怕不选这个主题)