计量经济学是应用经济学的一个分支学科,它与经济学、统计学和数学等学科密切相关,是上述学科的交叉学科。 《计量经济学》课程是教育部确定的经济类各专业本科八门核心课程之一,是适应社会经济发展的需要,具备现代法律素养和财经知识背景的复合型人才培养目标的关键课程之一。课程教学目的旨在使学生掌握现代经济学研究和分析的基本理论与方法,基本具备应用计量经济学模型分析实际经济问题的能力。
The actual development of modern economy shows that international trade is an important part of the economic development and power. Since the reform and opening-up, Chinese foreign trade business has made rapid growth, which contributes greatly not only to the Chinese economy,but also the world economy. With this high-speed development, the demands in the society for foreign trade talented persons are growing larger and more urgent. “English Business Correspondence Writing” uses the structure, characteristics and system of business English for reference, closely combines the actual foreign trade business in China with the international business practice. Through a lot of cases, actual business letter writing samples, the course systematically introduces various business English format and structure, writing characteristics, jargon, common vocabulary, related patterns and common expressions etc used in foreign trade business activities both at home and abroad. After study of this course students can extrapolate and application through examples and practice, thus improve their knowledge of foreign trade and business English level, and master the basic and everyday foreign trade business in general terms, basic English expression skills.
This course will be taught by bi-language, Object-based-education, and Project-based-learning (PBL) method as well as online teaching & learning, mixed online and offline.
Marketing is the social and managerial process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, ideas and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.
It include international market environment analysis, competitors analysis, market segmentation and positioning as well as marketing strategies,etc.